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Establishing a Stronger Team and Workplace Culture

Establishing a Stronger Team and Workplace Culture

Building team and workplace culture has never been more challenging than in this post COVID world.  But it is possible to create a cohesive culture that extends beyond the walls of a building.  It just takes intent, activation and consistency, which we discuss in detail in this digital coaching module.

This digital coaching module starts with an assessment to help you understand the current strength of your team or workplace culture.  It then provides a road-map with useful tools for how to instill these elements into your team.  The tools include The Culture Break-Down Diagnosis Chart and The Culture Declaration Action Plan which will help you diagnose, identify opportunities for optimization and put an action plan in place for achieving the optimal team and workplace culture. 

At the end of the module, you will be able to:


  • Appropriately access the strength of your team or workplace culture.

  • Diagnose opportunities to create the optimal team or workplace culture.

  • Put actions in place to actively shift the team or workplace culture to its optimal state.

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